INTPOW-member Sunergy has successfully provided the village of Bokosso in Cameroon with electricity deriving from solar power.
"On August 14 the lights were finally switched on in the village of Bokosso and after generations of waiting, the people got access to electricity and cableTV. The installation of Internet is going on and a brand new future awaits.
Deep in the tropical rainforest of Cameroon Sunergy has installed a solar power station, built a local power-grid, providing the people with electricity, cableTV and Internet.Coupled with entrepreneurship training and micro financing, the people will have access to the outside world and for the first time in their life having a real opportunity to escape poverty and eye a brighter future for themselves and their families.
Some referred to the project as "mission impossible", but it came possbile together with the local people of Bokosso, the employees of Sunergy Cameroon, the government of Cameroon represented by the Prime Minster, the government of Norway represented by NORAD, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Energy Division), GIEK, EksportKreditt and various world leading equipment suppliers.
The system meets the highest quality standards, being delivered by world leading equipment suppliers and thoroughly tested and qualified by the Norwegian company Multiconsult before switched on.
Responsible for the project was Dr. Stein Skjørshammer and Mr. Mike Fohba, Managing Director SunErgy Cameroon.
This week Sunergy started work on the next two villages. The plan calls for 6 villages to be "electrified" this year, with all 92 villages in the project to be finished by 2018, totaling 121 000 families or 600 000 people, plus schools, health centers, government offices and local businesses.
The Board of Directors has also given Pareto Securities the mandate to arrange for a share capital increase of SunErgy. The Official Opening is planned for October/November.The Prime Minister of Cameroon, who has shown keen interest and support from the very beginning has been invited to conduct the Official Opening. As soon as the date is set, we will let you know in case some would like to come along" - Stein Skjørshammer, CEO, Sunergy
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